poster courtesy of S Hess Peter D. Olmsted leeds

Joseph Semmes Ives Chair in Physics --- Theoretical Soft Matter Physics
A.B. (Physics) Cornell University, 1984.
Ph.D. (Physics) University of Illinois @ Urbana-Champaign , 1991.

Fellow of the American Physical Society (2010)
Fellow of the Institute of Physics (2007)

My research is primarily in complex fluids, including biological "fluids" (membranes, polymers, etc), from the point of view of a condensed matter physicist interested in statistical mechanics. My publications can be found here on Researcher ID or on Google Scholar

Research Publications Biography

Office: Room 404 Regents Hall, Institute for Soft Matter Synthesis and Metrology
Mail: Department of Physics, 506 Reiss Science Building
Georgetown University, 37th and O Streets NW, Washington DC 20057, USA
Phone: +1-(202) 687-9141 (office) 687-2087 (fax)
E-mail: peter.olmsted.(at)