Coma is an aberration resulting from a variance in magnification depending on the ray height at the lens.
There are two types of coma: positive and negative. Negative coma occurs when rays hitting the lens further from the paraxial region focus closer to the axis than rays closer to the paraxial region. Positive coma is just the opposite, with the further rays focusing farther from the axis (figure 1).
What causes coma?
Coma result from the use of principle planes when considering the propagation of
image through a system. The
principle planes are only really planes in the paraxial region. As you move further from the paraxial region, the surface the
rays strike is curved, affecting the focal length for these rays impacting where
they focus on the object plane. The
focusing of a ray is therefore dependent on the height off the axis at which it
strikes the lens.
Why does it look
like it does?
is easily seen by holding a lens in sunlight and then tilting it, creating an
image that tails off to one side (figure 3).
How do we alter a
system so there is no coma?
The optical sine theorem (Abbe sine condition) states that
(no) (yo) (sin αo) = (ni) (yi) (sin αi)
where no, yo, αo and are the index of refraction, height, and slope angle of a ray in object space and ni, yi, αi are the index of refraction, height, and slope angle of the ray in image space.
Since coma results from a change in magnification with height, for there to be no coma, the magnification must be constant everywhere:
the sine theorem, this means that
Physically, this means the ratio of the angle at which the ray enters the lens to the angle at which the ray leaves the lens should be constant across the lens to avoid coma.
This ratio can be assured if the rays entering a lens originate at infinity (they are parallel). This can be done using a combination of lenses (figure 4).
A stop can also be placed in the system. The position of the stop affects the light rays getting through. A positive or negative coma can be created by selective positioning. This coma created by the stop can be used to cancel out coma present in the system independent of the stop.
Born, Max & Wolf, Emil, Principles of Optics, 6th Edition, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1980.
Hecht, Eugene, Optics, 4th Edition, San Francisco: Addison-Wesley, 2002.