Inelastic light scattering

In this project, we are examining how light interacts with strongly correlated materials. Our focus is on inelastic light scattering, where the light changes color after interacting with the charge excitations of the material. Recently, there has been significant focus on inelastic x-ray scattering, where the photon is sensitive to structures on the nanoscale. There is very little theory for how such interactions take place when the material is strongly correlated. We examine both nonresonant scattering, where the response function depends only on the change of color of the photon (not its original color) and resonant scattering, where it depends on both the color and the change in color of the photon. Recently, we have discovered an interesting new sum rule for inelastic light scattering, which relates to the potential energy of the many-body system, much like the optical conductivity sum rule relates to the kinetic energy of the strongly correlated system.

Annotated list of publications

Raman scattering

Inelastic x-ray scattering

Sum rules for inelastic light scattering

Last modified September 12, 2004.

Jim Freericks, Professor of Physics