Thermal transport

In this project, we are using computational physics to explore possibilities for low-temperature thermo-electric coolers. We wish to investigate devices constructed out of heavy Fermion materials with one sign of the thermopower and either Mott or Kondo insulators with the other sign of the thermopower. Since these systems often have large peaks in the thermopower at low temperature (the Kondo scale), they are good candidates for low-temperature operation. Experimental systems are being devised and grown by Frank Steglich's laboratory at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics and Chemistry of Solids. We intend to ultimately investigate nanostructures of these materials, but we have also investigated some interesting bulk properties. Namely, when we find an exponentially suppressed density of states, which creates a pseudogap feature in the insulator, then the thermoelectric figure of merit ZT can be tuned to be larger than one at low temperature. This effect disappears when there is a true gap, with vanishing density of states. In a nanostructure, the density of states never vanishes in the barrier, if the insulator is attached to metallic leads due to a normal-state proximity effects, which has the metallic density of states leak into the insulator. But it is not yet clear whether this situation can give rise to a large ZT at low temperature. In one final note, we need to say that our calculations are for the electronic part of the device only. Often, phonon thermal conductivity can dramatically lower ZT, especially at low temperature, since it rises linearly with T and the electronic contribution may rise exponentially and T, so that the phonons dominate at low temperature and sharply reduce ZT.

Annotated list of publications

Bulk thermal transport

Real materials

Thermal transport in nanostructures

Last modified September 12, 2004.

Jim Freericks, Professor of Physics