Undergraduate Involvement in NIRT: DMR-0210717

Ron Stimmel (2004)

Ron worked as a GUROP student during the spring semester of 2004. During this time he helped develop the interview protocol for the assessment project on long-term student learning in the Quantum World Around Us.

Greg Nelson (2005--2006)

Greg travelled to Croatia in the summer of 2005 and worked in the laboratory of Dr. Miroslav Ocko to measure thermopower and dc resistivity of samples of tanatulum deficient tantalum nitride. (Report on project)

Sean Boocock (2006, 2007)

Sean worked as a GUROP student in the spring of 2006 to help visualize Friedel-like oscillation in the DOS of multilayered nanostructures using the software paraview. By subtracting off the bulk DOS he was able to focus in on the small amplitude oscillations and produce useful images. (Report on project) Sean worked on the project again in 2007, this time working on visualization of the many-body distribution function for driven electrons in a large electric field.

Last modified October 12, 2006.

Jim Freericks, Professor of Physics